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Last summer I had a chance to visit Paris. That attracted me most was the Eiffel Tower which is symbol of France. I was deep impressed by its height. I had never seen such a tall building ago! It is made up of iron and it is about 11 500 tons heavy. There are 1 711 steps from the bottom to the top. Climb the tower made me very tired but I was very exciting. I take a lot of photos in Paris.

I have much memories and experiences to share. I am so lucky to have seen such a culture so different from my own. I will remember my trips to France forever!


   Last summer I had a chance to visit Paris. That attracted me


most was the Eiffel Tower which is^symbol of France. I was deep

                                a/the                   deeply

impressed by its height. I had never seen such a tall building  ago!


It is made up of iron and it is about 11 500 tons heavy. There are

1 711 steps from the bottom to the top. Climb the tower made me


 very tired but I was very exciting. I take a lot of photos in Paris.

                        excited    took

I have much memories and experiences to share. I am so lucky


to have seen such a culture so different from my own. I will

remember my trips to France forever!


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