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随着生活水平的不断提高,中学生的假期生活也越来越丰富多彩.请以"Changes  of  the  Holiday  Life"为题,根据下表提示,写一篇英语短文,描述一下这些变化,并谈谈感受.
Changes  of  the  Holiday  Life
In  the  pastat  present
do  homework
help  with  housework
watch  TV
surf the Internet
join  the  club
Changes of the Holiday Life
In the past,students had few activities during their holidays.Most of them stayed at home to do homework,helped with the housework and watched TV.The holiday life was boring.
(过去)With the development of the living conditions,great changes have taken place now.Student can enjoy different kinds of holiday lives,such as surfing the Internet,joining in the club and going for a trip.They can also go to the museums,do some volunteer work to help people in need or do other interesting activities.【高分句型一】(现在)All these things can help students improve knowledge,train skills and increase experiences.【高分句型二】They're necessary and helpful.(感受)
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