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The Irish Republican Army has independent Ireland,Northern Ireland and now fighting a unified organization.
The Irish Republican Army from 1919 is aimed at the establishment of an independent Republic of Ireland nationalist military organization "Irish Volunteers," based on.
The Irish Republican Army in 1922 because of opposition to Ireland split into two parts of the South and the North treaty by the British and repression.The Irish Republican Army declared for the realization of the North-South reunification continue to struggle,and the exercise of violence.1939 began manufacturing bombings in the United Kingdom,was the Irish Government and the British Government banned.
Because it is opposed to the British armed groups,in many countries as a terrorist organization.IRA 1980s Margaret Thatcher had been ruthlessly suppressed.Now the organization is divided into orthodox and temporary camp,claiming to believe in orthodox Marxism and renounce all terrorist activities,to the non-violent struggle; temporary camp extreme leftist thinking,upholding terrorist activities.
Sinn Fein is the IRA's political organization.
1997,the Irish Republican Army declared a ceasefire,the United States,Canada and Finland the supervision of the Organization of the team monitoring the Irish Republican Army abandoned armed process.July 28,2005,and the army ordered the formal termination of armed struggle.It requires all units of the Irish Republican Army to renounce the use of weapons,only through peaceful means,assist in the development of purely political and democratic programmes.In September 26,the oversight body that has been completed all Aijun abandoning armed processes,and all weapons were classified as "non-permanent" or "permanently useless."
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