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August 25,2012 Tuesday Sunny
The nation's day is coming.I was starting to planing the entertainment from early august and writing down many travelling routes.But consider about there is a sea of people during the nation's day,package tour is so tired,and for me expense is painful,so i canceled all the plans and decided just going back to the university i lived for four years long.The places i want to go are the places i wanted go years ago,i know there will be less people there,and i begin to anticipating it.
1.The National Day is coming.
2.I started to plan my 8 days long holidays since early September and had written down many touring routes.
3.But considering the crowds during holidays of the National Day,tiring tourists groups and limited budgets,I finally gave up all my plans.
4.I decided to go back to the city where my university is,and I am going to visit those places that I planned to go but never made it.
5.I assume that I will not be bothered by the crowds at those places.I start looking forward to it.
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