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帮忙翻译这段文章 不要在线翻译的哦
我轻轻地扣着板门,刚才那个小姑娘出来开了门,抬头看了我,先愣了一下,后来就微笑了,招手叫我进去.这屋子很小很黑,靠墙的板铺上,她的妈妈闭着眼平躺着,大约是睡着了,被头上有斑斑的血痕,她的脸向里侧着,只看见她脸上的乱发,和脑后的一个大髻.门边一个小炭炉,上面放着一个小沙锅,微微地冒着热气.这小姑娘把炉前的小凳子让我坐了,她自己就蹲在我旁边,不住地打量我.我轻轻地问:“大夫来过了吗?”她说:“来过了,给妈妈打了一针……她现在很好.” 她又像安慰我似地说:“你放心,大夫明早还要来的.”我问:“她吃过东西吗?这锅里是什么?”她笑说:“红薯稀饭——我们的年夜饭.”我想起了我带来的桔子,就拿出来放在床边的小矮桌上.她没有作声,只伸手拿过一个最大的桔子来,用小刀削去上面的一段皮,又用两只手把底下的一大半轻轻地揉捏着.
I gently buckle a trap door,just the little girl out opened the door and looked up at me,first leng4 once,then smiled and waved called me in.This house is small very dark,rely on a wall on the floor,her mother closed face-up,about is asleep,be head gogh bloodstain,her face to the side,but see her face of wild hair,and brain after a big bun.The door a hibachis,put above a little earth,slightly to emit hot air.The girl put before furnace taboret let me sit down.She just squat beside me,they did not cease looked me.I asked softly:"doctor come over?" She say:"come,give mom a shot...she's fine now." She again like comfort me like ground to say:"you trust,doctor tomorrow still want come of." I ask:"she had a bite to eat?This pot is what?" Her smile to say:"sweet potato porridge - our meal." I remembered I bring oranges,take out a bedside little short table.She didn't be quiet,just stretched out his hand and took a maximum of oranges,use a knife to cut off the top of a period of skin,and with two hands put under half gently kneading.
My low voice ask:"your house and what person?" She said:"now no one,my dad at outside..." She didn't say it,only slowly from orange skin to take out a pulp a pulp orange disc,and put her mother's side of pillow.
The fire light,gradually dimmed,and outside more dark.I stand up to go,she pulled me,one side is extremely quickly took a large needle,wearing snapped the little orange bowl round relatively wear rise,like a little baskets of magic,the use of a small bamboo sticks,and from carrying on windowsill took over a very short head,ocean candle in inside points up,pass me said:"it was dark,slippery,this one little orange light you up!"
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