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Schindler's List 的英文影评,450词,语言简单化点的
In the same year,that Steven Spielberg had a huge hit with "Jurassic Park",he also made his powerful testament to the suffering of the Jewish people during the Second World War,"Schindler's List".
It gave him the critical acclaim he wanted with seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director.
Shot in black and white,with the odd carefully chosen touches in colour,the horror of the holocaust is laid bare and speaks for itself.The documentary style allows Spielberg to deliver his message without preaching.The clever use of light and shade also makes it visually stunning.When Oskar Schindler visits a night club,he looks like a 1930s movie star as his cigarette smoke spirals above his head,his eyes hidden in the shade.
It is the story of German businessman Oskar Schindler which captivates right to the end.He is transformed from physically imposing,charismatic philanderer to the humbled man,wishing he had saved more lives.
We watch nervously as he tries to save over a thousand Jews from almost certain death in concentration camps by getting them to work in his factory.He bribes officials and befriends Nazis including evil camp commandant,Goeth,played brilliantly by Ralph Fiennes.
Spielberg has cleverly juxtaposed Goeth and Schindler as two sides of the same coin.They both love the finer things in life,easily swayed by money and women.Playing on this,Schindler tries to show his contemporary that power can be better served by sparing people's lives rather than taking them.It is an idea that Goeth acknowledges,but is destined not to adhere to for long.
The film finishes on a powerful note in present day with the real Schindler survivors and their descendants visiting his grave.It is the final reminder that this is a true story of one man's bravery and that in "saving one life,you save the entire world".
"Schindler's List" is on BBC2 at 9.05pm,Saturday 27th January 2001.
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