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谈及中国茶文化,不能不提及中国历史上的一位重要任务---陆羽(733-804).他以撰写了世界上第一部茶叶专著《茶经》(tea scripture)而闻名于世,对中国茶文化的发展做出了卓越的贡献,被奉为“茶圣”.(Tea Sage)
China, known as "the hometown of tea, is the world's earliest planting tea, tea making, drinking tea in the world. For thousands of years, the enthusiasm of the Chinese tea always, because tea is a kind of natural healthy drink. China has a long history of tea drinking, formed the characteristic of Chinese tea culture. Tea become an indispensable part of people's life, it is not only a drink, but also culture disseminator (transmitter), on behalf of the Chinese unique philosophy, aesthetics, aesthetic views and way of life, it can reflect the spiritual world of Chinese people. Chinese tea culture is not only refers to the method of make tea, tea sets and tea drinking occasions, also includes tea, tea, tea art and tea.
Referring to the Chinese tea culture, not to mention an important task in Chinese history - liu yu (733-804). Him to write the world's first tea monograph "the saint" (tea scripture) is known, has made a remarkable contribution to the development of Chinese tea culture, known as "chaking". (Tea Sage)
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