早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 看起来 我和你的年龄差不多
2 可能是 我是1972年出生的 我有一个可爱的女儿
3 我与你同年 我有一个七岁的儿子 他调皮
4 有时间 可以把两个小孩约出来一起玩
5 我想他们会合得来
1.looks like we are about the same age.
2.maybe.i'm born in 1972.i have a cute daughter who is in grade three.
3.i'm born in the same year as you.i have a mischievious seven-year-old son who is in grade one.
4.when we have time,we can bring our kids out to play together.
5.sure.i think they will get along with each other.