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1.What do we sell at auction?
2.who is at an auction?
3.how do auctions work?
4.why do we use auctions to sell things?
5.have you ever been to an auction?(
1.What do we sell at auction?
We sell all kinds of art work at auction,including paintings by young and promising artists,sculputure designed by famous artists,etc.
2.who is at an auction?
There is one person who monitors the whole auction.The rest are all participants who are interested in some of the articles being auctioned there.
3.how do auctions work?
Auctions usually work in the same way:someone has something to offer but does not want to search for buyers.He approaches an auction house and offer the article to be auctioned.Part of the money gained through the auction goes to the auctioneer.Anyone who is intereseted at the item will bid a price.The one who offers the highest price gets the item.
4.why do we use auctions to sell things?
People use auctions to sell things because sometimes the owner of the item does not want to search for buyers or does not wish his identity to be revealed.Another reason is that some items are in high demand,since everyone wants the same thing,the fairest way is to let the one who offers get the item.
5.have you ever been to an auction?
I have not been to an auction before but I have watched an auction on television.It was interesting watching all the people trying to get the same thing.
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