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“A "客户是我们在国内最大的合作伙伴之一,我们和A已经合作了很长时间,而且合作非常愉快.A是国内非常好的出口商,他们有着雄厚的技术实力和境外项目工程经验.即使单独购买备用件也是可以从A公司获得的.如果您对服务和价格有什么新的需求,我们义不容辞的协助您沟通和帮助.我们和A公司会共同为您提供最优的服务和支持.
Client A is one of our biggest domestic clients.We have a long history of collaboration and cooperation.We have a pleasant experience working together.
Client A is a well-recognized exporting company in China.It has high technology resources.It has accomplished a lot of engineering projects in foreign nations.
You can buy supplemental products from A.
If you have any new request with respect to service or price,we will be more than happy to assist you.We and A will together provide you with the best service and assistance.
看了 英语翻译“A"客户是我们在国...的网友还看了以下: