早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the cinema, why?
2、If a book has been made into a movie, do you prefer to see the movie first or to read the book first, why?
3、Which do you prefer, Chinese movies or foreign movies, why?
4、Why do people keep pets?
5、Which do you think are better pets, dogs or cats, why?
6. Why do people commit crimes? What causes are especially important? Why?
7. Do you think death penalty can prevent or reduce crimes? Why or why not?
8. What can we do to prevent break-ins?
9. Are you especially afraid of anything? And what can you do to lessen your fear?
10. If your friend is afraid of examinations, what advice can you give him or her?
1銆両 prefer watching movies at the theater rather than at home.Even though watching movies at home is very comfortable and we can sprawl on the couch,it is definitely not as wonderful and exciting as watching films in the theater.
In the cinema,the screen is many times larger than what we have at home,and the sound effects are amazing.I feel that watching a film on a large screen is very exciting.It is totally different from what we would feel at home.In addition,in my opinion,sound effects are extremely important since they help to build up the climax of movies.The numerous large speakers in a theater are especially made to perform this function,so apparently,the ones we have at home are barely comparable.
In theaters,the atmosphere is also more suitable for watching movies than at home.For example,when watching a detective movie,everyone would hold their breath together at the climax.This adds to the tense environment and it would make the whole experience very thrilling.
2銆丆ertainly I want to see the movie first.A movie is meant chiefly to entertain,while a book may have a stronger educational function in addition to its entertainment function.If one reads the book first,one will know the outcome of the movie in advance.With hardly any suspense,the movie will lose much of its appeal in spite of its colorful scenes.On the other hand,if we see the movie first,we can still appreciate the corresponding book.The book is usually longer than the adapted movie,and therefore you can still find a lot of new stuff.What's more,while reading a book,you can stop from time to time to think about the deeper meaning.So you see,after seeing the movie,you can still enjoy the book.
3銆丱ccasionally I do enjoy seeing a foreign movie.It can take my mind off to a distant land.The outlandish setting often excites me,and the different values tend to give me much food for thought.However,my lack of background information often requires me to make too many inferences,and sometimes I cannot understand certain parts of the movie.In such cases I may feel less entertained.By comparison,I feel more at home with Chinese movies.I can easily associate the scene and lines with the historical background.I can readily understand witty conversation and implied meanings.Sometimes I can even predict what is going to happen from the speaker's tone or gesture.Still,it is true that Chinese movies cannot yet compete with Western movies in filming technology.I do hope the next generation of Chinese movies will make further improvement.
4銆丳eople keep pets for a variety of reasons.Some feel lonely and need company.Other people keep pets for security.Still others buy pets just to be in fashion.Finally,some people keep animals at home just out of love or pity.Their hearts are full of love,which pours out naturally for animals as well as humans.And Because pets seem to fill a void in people's lives,and pets also become part of a family.I absolutely love to come home from work every day and see my 2 cats run right up to me and rub themselves all over me to let me know how much I was missed.Love that feeling.
5銆両n my own opition,cats may be better.Cats are more gentle and easy to "control".But dogs have their own advangates.They can look after your property when you are out.
I think cats are better pets than dogs is because cats don't make loud noises.Also taking care of a cat is way easier than taking care of a dog.Imagine you have to walk the dog everyday in the early morning so it won't bark durint the day!How hard that would be!For cats,it's very simple,just give it some food,let it walk around in the house,and there is nothing to worry about.In my opinion,cats are cuter,and that's why i think cats are better pets.
6銆丮any factors contribute to crime,such as poverty,the gap between the rich and the poor,lack of education,emotional outbreaks and loose law enforcement.If one suddenly gets angry,he may lose control over himself and injure or even kill people.Uneducated people may not know what punishments there are and go ahead boldly and foolishly.But lack of education is often linked with a lack of money.Poor people may feel miserable,and ill-feelings breed crime.Clearly,the widening gap between the rich and the poor plays a significant role in crime levels.If people feel resentful and there is no law to stop them from going to extremes,they may vent their anger by committing crimes.Such people need a strong government and strict law enforcement to help them think twice before they leap.To conclude,the gap between the rich and the poor and loose law enforcement may be especially important causes of crime.
7銆乊es,the death penalty should be used as a tool of punishment for those deserving of it.Over the years,there have been countless and unusually cruel crimes committed by man.These crimes range from an "innocent" rape to the torture and mutilation of the victim.Such men like Richard Trenton Chase.He was a serial killer,that was known as the Vampire of Sacramento because he not only killed,but drank the blood and ate the flesh of his victims,sometimes before even killing them.This is not a fantasy world,where only grown and mean men are targeted,but even more commonly,children and women are main targets of these evils.It is only understandable that even the inmates of Richard Trenton Chase wanted him to kill himself.Can you image a man who shot,raped and bathed in the blood of a three month pregnant women still breathing the same air as you?Would you,your wife and kids feel safe knowing that this man is still alive and well?
Do not think for one moment that this case is rare,and that no other man would do suck horrific things.A man named Jeffrey Dahmer,a man that could lie to your face,manipulate and dismember your body all within the same expression.Would anybody want such a danger to be kept alive?Or does anyone really think such a man can be changed?He is a cold,calculated and dangerous killer.
The death penalty is a part of the justice system.If you cannot kill a man for his evil deeds,than what makes you think he won't do it again?Or maybe you just want a percentage of your taxes to take care of him for the rest of his life.To keep him safe,bathed,fead,and entertained?In order to keep our society safe,and justice system,still one that most would not attempt to challenge,the death penalty must exist.
8銆?1)Prevent Home Burglary
(2)DO 鈥淐ase鈥 Your Own House
Try and look at your home,condo or apartment through the eyes of a burglar.Or,pretend you have forgotten your key.How would you break in?Where are the easiest points of entry?Then consider what you can do to make them more secure
(3)DON鈥橳 Draw Attention to Your Valuables
(4)DO Use Your Basic Security
(5)DON鈥橳 Make It Obvious You鈥檙e Not Home
Home break ins tend to climb in volume during the summer months.Burglars know this is peak vacation time 鈥 and all too many houses act as calling cards for home break ins.Take the following actions to prevent home burglary:
Ask the post office to hold your mail while you鈥檙e away,or have a friend pick up your mail for you.An overflowing mailbox advertises no one鈥檚 home.
Ask a neighbor or house sitter to keep an eye on your home while you鈥檙e away.Simple actions such as moving a vehicle or mowing the lawn can make it look like someone is home.
Rotate the lights,tv,or radio.Automatic,programmable electrical switches are inexpensive and easy to install on most any outlet.
9銆両'm afraid of losing my job.
Someone can take away your job or your current income.While that is certainly something that is very unpleasant,that is all that they can take away from you.They cannot take away who you are or what you can do.
Whenever you leave a job,either by your choice,or the company's choice,you take with you everything that you are and everything that you have.You take all of your experience with you.You take all of the skills and abilities that you have developed.Your discipline and work ethic come with you as well.
No one can ever take any of those things away from you.
10銆?suggest to him/her that taking the examinations is important to him/her,for it is a gauge to monitor their standard of studies.
-furthermore,they are not the only ones taking the examinations..though it will be very competitive but like their fellow classmates,everyone is given a fair chance as such they should be honoured to be able to attempt the examinations.
-lastly,taking the examinations and studying hard for is for their own future and scoring/clearing it means that they are able to proceed on to their desired dreams
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