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同志们用金山快译就免了 我也不是傻子
The love,may surmount all,after this is I looks at the cold mountainthe feeling.Regardless of the time,the space,the war even died,allis unable the person which isolates two to fall in love.At first alsosomewhat suspected in the movie that,艾达 and because is gracefulis truly falls in love?From a start,their contact is light,even toopposite party not more understandings,only has through the lookperhaps some slight movements expresses two people to meet the time tobe poverty-stricken and thirstily to admire.However observes themovie,I deep have been deeply moved,their love,just like the brookbrook thin water,the mighty waves not startled,is actually slow andtenacious subcrust current that tumultuous times,has moistened ourmind.
Two person of sound of flowing water understandings,the lightcontact,is broken by the suddenly war,because of the graceful justbefore leaving that lips,has promulgated their love,for 艾达 andso on the courage which got down.Had been lucky with pours out longfor the spouse,father's dying,the life difficulty and lonely,thesehave not all struck but actually 艾达,that original manuscript hasa high and respected position young lady.She in the middle oftumultuous times,also difficult growth.The impression profound aquarter which is they has a reunion,艾达 is lifting the gun,heroicbut 飒爽,no longer was before that shy shy girl,the war not onlylets the man grow,also let the woman be mature.But their having areunion,not such which imagines like the majority person,after longwaiting welcomes joyfully with fervor which has a reunion,but is andthey falls in love is same,tranquil somewhat is even faint.Is thelove,also is the war,lets them grow.Loves with the hope,hadpersisted for them the reason,final is happy and the hope in thatchaotic age.Also is precisely this hope.Because gracefully thoughtoneself soon Yu Shishi,resolutely the separation,the load gets upmilitary deserter's charge,for is loved the person finally one side.A group difficultly climbs mountains and crosses rivers does not needto say that,Army capturing,inhabitant's betraying,because in theheart is only hopeful and persisted,because graceful time and timeagain turns danger into safety,finally returned to the hometown,returned to the beloved female's bosom.Finally,they had a reunion,to finish have lived to actually welcome have died leave.However,likes 艾达 is same in the movie final narration,because gracefullycomes back each step all has the significance,because he has kept adaughter for her,his life continuing,he accompanies her life byanother way.
The life has a such love,also sufficed.
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