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请以Protecting our environment 为题,写一篇介绍环境保护得短文,但要求包括以下要点.《我们正遭受越来越多自然灾害得侵害.我们应该采取措施保护环境.如果我们没有马上行动,我们就会受惩罚》词数在120左右.不要抄习得
Protecting our EnvironmentIt is important to protect our envioronment,but it is difficult to do it.Today,the Earth is facing many pollutions,such as air pollution,water pollution,voice pollution,and etc.
  When you look at the sky,you can discover that it is no longer blue,it is grey.This means the air is already polluted.Why?Because the factory emits too much dirty air.How should we stop the air pollution?We could plant more trees to make the air cleaner.  Do you like swimming?I believe a lot of people like swimming.When you go to the beach,you can see that the sea the dirtier than before.Do you know that lots of animals die from drinking polluted water?If we continue to pollute the water,more animals will die,and that will effect our human's food chain.This is why we should protect water from being polluted.
  Do you ever get mad because the loud noise outside makes you can't sleep?We call this voice pollution.Voice pollution is always bothering us.When you dirve in the road,and you hear a lot of the car trumpet sending out noises,don't you feel vexed?If you always meet these situation,you should tell the environmental protection bureau,they will help you.
  We can protect our environment in other ways too.For example,we shouldn't throw trash anywhere,instead,we could recycle it.If we all stop the bad habbit of thowing trash anywhere,you would see a much more beautiful city.
  We only have one Earth,it is our home,we should try our best to protect it.
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