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英语作文 随着生活水平的提高,人们的健康意识越来越强,请你结合实际,对如何才能保证健康
从饮食、保健及生活习惯等方面提几条建议.How To Be Healthy.
In recent years,people become richer and richer,and more and more people start caring about their health.As all of us know that our medical stantard is improving,but it is strange that diseases are still attack and kill people as much as the past,just because of what we eat and what we do.Therefore,we need a better way to choose what we eat and what we do.
Fat and salt in food is recognized that can cause many diseases.A large quantity of researches show that people who eat more fat or salt have more chance to get Hipertension or heart disease than thoes who eat less.Alcohol can easily convert to fat in our bodies,so,less wine will be fine.
Lacking of exercise is also a risk factor that can cause Diabetes or other chronic disease,which are mostly hard to cure.Exercise can not only improve our immunity of our bodies,also can make us have better mood,which may decrease the chance to get cancer.
Finally,as anyone of us know that smoking is just a bad thing in our wolrd.Smoking not just cause lung cancer on thoes smokers,people who don't smoke can be also affected.Stop kill yourself and people around you in that way!
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