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校学生会发布通知定于下周五召开全校运动会,地点是学校操场 .每位同学都要准时参加.如遇天气原因则推迟
School students is scheduled for next Friday issued a notice convening school sports take place in the school playground. Each student must attend on time. In case of bad weather then delayed the purpose of the current Games is a comprehensive review of the year level, therefore, not only to conduct competitions for athletes, for class discipline, spirit and publicity work should be carried out appraisal, discipline was named the winning class atmosphere and superior publicity class will be awarded a certificate.
the current lead-time games, heavy task, each year each class sports training should be reasonable and efficiently. School requirements, issued from the date of notification, the school should set off an intense training to meet the outstanding achievements of our students track and field sports craze, hope all grades lead director, head teacher of a positive organization.
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