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Thank you for your kind hospitality when we in Italy.
On my return from Italy,I dealed with the affairs of my company,and drafted the contract of future co-operation between us.And now,I have some questions about the future co-operation.
1.How many percentages of the share you want to hold in the joint venture?
2.How about the investing proportion of the technique and capital?
3.If your company have any other requirement about future co-operation?
I hope you and your company would have definite ideas about the affairs we have discussed.Meanwhile,I'll communicate our definite ideas to you constantly.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your kind hospitality when we were in Italy.
On my return from Italy,I dealed with the affairs of my company,and drafted the contract for the future co-operation between us.And now,I have some questions about the future co-operation as follows:
1.What is the percentage of the shares you want to hold in the joint venture?
2.What about the investment proportion for the technique and capital?
3.Does your company have any other requirement about future co-operation?
I hope you and your company would have final ideas about the matters we have discussed.Meanwhile,I'll pass our definite ideas to you constantly.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
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