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The 918 memorial located in Shenyang ,Liaoning province ,the museum is a reminder for future generations not forget that “918” national humiliation.
Museum was established in 1991,officially opened on September 18,1999.The new covers an area of35000 square meters and a building areaof 12600 square meters ,open area of 9180 square meters ,thedevelopment of line is 510 meters long
Construction of “918" history museum with atotal investment of 130 million ,receive donations from thesocial from all walks of life and overseas Chinese and international friends,supplies up to 50 million .
The museum with richhistorical data to introduce the Japanese imperialism launched "918" incident,the crimes of enslave the Chinese peopleand the sufferings of the occupied areas and indomitable struggle of life.
We should taking warning ,and make our motherland stronger ,only be strong we can protectourselves ,afterall ,history is thepast ,we should look the future ,trying to keep moving forward.
The 918 memorial IS located in Shenyang , Liaoning province ,the museum is a reminder for future generations TO not forget THE “918” national humiliation.
Museum was established in 1991,officially opened on September 18,1999.The new MUSEUM covers an area of 35000 square meters and a building area of 12600 square meters , open area of 9180 square meters ,the development line is 510 meters long.
Construction of “918" history museum raised a total investment of 130 million ,RECEIVED donations from DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE SOCIETY, ALSO FROM THE OVERSEAS CHINESE and international friends, SUPPLIED up to 50 million .
The museum with richhistorical data to introduce the Japanese imperialism launched "918" incident, the crimes OF ENSLAVING the Chinese people and the sufferings of PEOPLE FROM the occupied areas and THE STRUGGLE OF THE indomitable LIVES.
We should TAKE IT AS A warning , and make our motherland stronger , WE CAN ONLY BE ABLE TO PROTECT OURSELVES WHEN WE ARE STRONG , BECAUSE afterall ,history is the past , we should look FORWARD TO the future , TRY to keep moving forward.
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