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 某国际性英语刊物有一个介绍各国风俗习惯的专栏,请为该专栏写一篇120词左右的短文,简单介绍中国农历新年(春节) 。短文应包括以下几点:

1. 春节对中国人的重要性;

2. 春节的日期;

3. 春节期间的主要庆祝活动(至少4种) 。

the lunar calendar农历;burn firecrackers炸鞭炮;have a feast吃大餐;lucky money压岁钱"ion dance舞狮

(写作支招) 写作定性




二) 难点突破

1. 可用词汇

exciting,unforgetable,meaningful,cheerful,fun ( ny)   interesting,relaxing,tiring;on New Year's Eve have a get-together at diner drink to one's health pay a visit to sb. say "Happy New Year" to sb.,play mahjong hang lanterns

2. 结构模仿

节日的重要性(the importance of the festival) :用形容同、副词增加语言的表现力。The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of win?ter and to the coming of spring.

节日日期(when) :用从句使结构紧凑。

Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals which take place forty days before

Easter usually in February.

节日活动(the typical activity or feast) :用分词结构等简洁表达形式。

As we call it the Golden weekend travel is very popular in festivals. We can make good

use of the time spending 3 or 4 days in having a happy trip in the mainland.

3. 参考句型

sth. falls on + date节日诞生在某一日be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

it is/was + on the New Year's Eve that sb. do sth.是在除夕夜某人做某事when sb. do sth. sth. else happens当某人做某事时,另一件事发生了there's no doubt that ...毫无疑问.. 

  The most energetic and important festival in China is what we call the Spring Festival which falls on the first day of the lunar calendar.  Before the festival people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year's Eve every family has a delicious feast. All the family stay up late,chatting,playing and watching TV to welcome the festival. And people burn fire?crackers to greet it. On the first day of the Spring Festival,people put on their new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. When meeting they send good wishes to each other by saying " Happy New Year!". Children can get lucky money from their parents and relatives then. During the festi?val there are lion dances and some other activi?ties lasting at least three days. There's no doubt that people usually have a very good time during the festival.
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