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Some safety measures in using electrcity
Nowadays,with the development of society and the improvement of people's life,an increasing
numbers of families have more and more domestic appliances ,which makes it of great
importance for people to make safe use of electrcity .
First of all,it's quite necessary to have the eitectrc circuit and thesocketsas well as switches
examined or checked regularly,which helps prevent any possible eitectrc problems at the
very root .
Secondly,it is strongly suggested that one should not turn on a lot of appliances at the
same time.In this case there is greater chance of electic problems or even disasters.
Thirdly,make sure that all the electricsockets should be kept out of the reach of babies and
little children.This can effectively get rid of the risks of babies and little children' getting
an electric shock.
In addition,while cooking or boiling water,one should keep an eye on the state of theelectric
cooker and kettle constantly and pull off the plugs or turn off the awitches in time.
Last but not least,it is considered wise to pull off all the plugs and put down all the switches
in order to cut off the electricty ,which is said to be helpful for preventing fires resulted from
thunderstorms or other potential dangers.
In conclusion,electricty is essential not only to industry and agriculture but also to our daily
life although it is also very dangerous for users.However,as long as we can make proper
and safe use of it, we can make it our best friend.

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