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coding is transforming one kind of information into another through one kind of hypothesis rule .In the sense of smell coding situation, we can describe the transformation as making the information of (术语 嗅质分子) into a nerve response way.We consider that when we try to understood these code, we should be able forecast the(术语 嗅质分子) through the nerve response , and vice versa, as well as forecasts the (术语 嗅质分子)through the nerve response to the molecular sensation.In bulbus of olfactorius, space coding and time coding mechanism help information transmiss.This summary only discussing about the bulbus olfactorius to the osmogen space coding.The space coding manifests as follows: On certain smell stimulation code bulbus olfactorius on fixed position, different stimulation codes the position on the bulbus olfactorius to be different.Therefore we may distinguish the osmogen through the position of bulbus olfactorius .
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