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求一篇英语作文 内容写过去到现在的蜕变 自立方面
RT 要英文的 用词神马的简洁就好 大概就是说 以前神马都是父母帮着做神马都不会 现在由于离开父母 住校了 所以各方面都自己做 长大了很多 请重点描写做了神马 进步了多少 麻烦写稍微多一点 (例如:以前从来不打扫房间 都是爸妈绑着 自己住了以后 没人打扫 只好自己打扫 才发现打扫怎么怎么难 以前都是爸妈帮洗衣服 自己住了以后才发现 原来一个小小洗衣机都这么难用 用不来 )
非常着急 我还有80分
Around the eaves sparrow never fly in the sky,around the knee child will never run away,relying on others for nation will never stand among the nations in the world."Self-reliance" is the requirement of the times of the nation,especially when we are young,if everybody can self-reliance,so countries and peoples have hope.
We must learn self-reliance,to learn self-reliance for their own future will help.Some people are accustomed to "live on the labour of others" life,unwilling to rely on our own efforts to self-reliance,this dependency for their own development,is very harmful.Because it will not only make people lack of sense of responsibility,caused by the defects of personality,just want to reap without sowing,covet enjoyment,it can not adapt to the social life,and even endanger the society and other people,walk on the path of crime,so to learn self-reliance for us is very important.
Self-reliance is doing their own thing.The family is our cradle,the school is our growing greenhouse,however,we can not live forever as early as the cradle and the greenhouse,will enter into the society,after the rain,see the world.Self-reliance as a process of growing up,our life is exercise capacity,we also develop process of good moral character,we must constantly improve themselves,learn to self-esteem,self-confidence,and enhance awareness of the law; gradually learn to understand and respect others,be good at communication and interaction with others,harmonious integration into society,caring society,contributing to society,become a responsible for themselves,responsible to others,to be self-reliant people responsible for the society.
We can not always rely on parents,one day we will leave their parents,if we do not now,with the help of their parents,to reserve knowledge exercise self-reliance,self-reliance,develop self-reliance,self-reliance,hard in the future society so,life need self-reliance.
In our social life,to help each other,depend on each other,self-reliance is not refuse to help,rely on is not to rely on,to live independently,to do their own things,we face all kinds of things in life,only a clear understanding of their responsibilities,the courage to assume their responsibilities,can become a real person self-reliance.We also should cultivate their own self-reliance,the most basic is to base their current life,learning problems,from the little things,to cultivate self-reliance,to boldly to participate in social practice,practice repeatedly,in the social life practice,to gradually improve their own ability,so we need to develop self-reliance their ability to.We have to say goodbye to rely on,to self-reliance.
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