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攀岩运动是从登山运动中派生出来的现代竞技项目.登山运动起源于欧洲的阿尔卑斯山,当时的登山者为了克服类似阿尔卑斯山等终年积雪的冰地 形,进而发展出一套有系统的攀登技术,只是此时无论在技术或者器材上都还相当简陋.一直要到二次大战前后,部份是因应战争上的需求,才逐渐有了今日的雏形,到二十世纪五十年代才正式出现攀岩运动.攀岩技术的出现,迄今已有近140年历史.关于攀岩运动的来源还曾有过一个美丽的传说在欧洲阿尔卑斯山区悬崖峭壁的绝顶上,生长着一种珍奇的高山玫瑰.相传只要拥有这种玫瑰,就能获得美满的爱情.于是,勇敢的小伙子便争相攀岩 ,摘取花朵献给心爱的人.
攀岩运动是一项深受人们欢迎的运动项目,它集健身、娱乐和竞技于 一体.它要求运动员身体素质全面,具备勇敢、顽强和坚韧不拨的精神,能 够在各种不同的高度及角度的岩壁上轻松舒展、准确的完成腾挪、转身;跳 跃、引体等惊 险动作.给人们以优美、惊险的享受,故又称攀岩为"岩壁上 的芭蕾".攀岩充分表达了人们要求回归自然、挑战自我的愿望.那在岩壁
帮我翻译成英文 大意相同就好
Rock climbing is derived from climbing the modern competitive projects.Originated from the European alpine mountaineering,climbers in order to overcome the permanent snow like the Alps,etc BingDe form,and to develop a system of climbing,but now in technical equipment or technology are also quite simple.It was not until after the second world war,the part is the demand to war,it gradually with the rudiment of today,to 1950s was officially appear rock-climbing.Climbing technology,and so far,almost 140 years history.About the source of rock-climbing still had a beautiful legend in the top of the Alps' cliff,there is a rare kind of rose.If have passed the roses,you can obtain perfect love.Hence,the brave boys competed to rock climbing,and gather flowers to their own lover.
Rock climbing is a popular sport,it integrates fitness and entertainment,and competitive.It requires the athletes' physical quality comprehensively,brave,strong and ingredientof tough spirit,can reach in different height and the Angle of rock relaxed stretch,accurate finish move STH,turn,Jump jump and pull-ups.Such jing risks,For people to enjoy the beautiful,breathtaking,say again "rock climbing to the ballet".Climbing adequately expressed people return to nature,challenge ourselves.On the walls
The steady as gecko,arrogant,if an agent,rhythm and move STH appearing in the strength of the beauty can let all people sincerely exclamation rock infinite glamour of ballet.
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