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求一段关于旅行的吵架英文剧本 长度适中 话语不要太脏 要求能够与下文衔接 急用 最好6月10日能回答
There were two people in the desert travel,had a fight on the way.One hit the other a slap in the face,The people who was beaten feel very grievance,said nothing,just write down on the sand "today my good friend old me a slap in the face." They continued to walk,walk to a fertile land,they decided to stop,the man was beaten nearly drowned,his friend saved him.
After being rescued,he hold a knife etched in stone,"today my best friend saved my life."
Aside curious friend asked him,"why I hit you,but you write in the sand,and now you're carved in stone?" He smiled said:when a friend hurts you,write in easy to forget,the wind will be responsible to erase it; Instead if others to help you,we are going to put it in the depths of the soul,that is no wind can erase.
When dealing with friends at the damage is often careless,help is concerned.Forget those who unintentionally hurt,remember those who sincerely help,you will find you in this world there are a lot of sincerely friends.
不对 是在 10号晚上十点前回答哟 加油!
有两个人在沙漠中旅行,途中吵架了. 其中一个人打了另一个一记耳光,被打的觉得很委屈,一言不发,就在沙子上写下“今天我的好朋友打老我一耳光.”他们继续走,走到一遍肥沃的土地,他们决定停下,被打的那个人差点被淹死,是他的朋友救了他.There were two people in the desert travel, had a fight on the way. One hit the other a slap in the face, The people who was beaten feel very grievance, said nothing, just write down on the sand "today my good friend old me a slap in the face." They continued to walk, walk to a fertile land, they decided to stop, the man was beaten nearly drowned, his friend saved him.被救起后,他拿一把小刀在石头上刻下,“今天我的好朋友救了我一命.”After being rescued, he hold a knife etched in stone, "today my best friend saved my life."在一旁的朋友好奇的问他,“为什么我打了你,你却写在沙子上,而现在你却刻在石头上?”他笑笑的说:当一个朋友伤害你的时候,要写在易忘的地方,风会负责抹去它;相反的是如果别人帮助你,我们要把它刻在心灵的深处,那是任何风都抹灭不去的.Aside curious friend asked him, "why I hit you, but you write in the sand, and now you're carved in stone?" He smiled said: when a friend hurts you, write in easy to forget, the wind will be responsible to erase it; Instead if others to help you, we are going to put it in the depths of the soul, that is no wind can erase.朋友在相处时,伤害往往是无心的,帮助却是有心的.忘记那些无心的伤害,铭记那些真心的帮助,你会发现这个世界你有很多的真心朋友.When dealing with friends at the damage is often careless, help is concerned. Forget those who unintentionally hurt, remember those who sincerely help, you will find you in this world there are a lot of sincerely friends.
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