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Five Yue五岳"Five Yue" refers to the five famous and big mountains in China,which are respectively located in the east,south,west,north and south of the country.  Tai Mountain,the east Yue,most famous for its sunrise.It is also worthwhile to mention its close distance to Kongfuzi's hometown in Shandong province.Hua Mountain,the west Yue,most famous for the height and difficult trails to climb,every year there are reports of tourists lost their lives because of the crowdness and the bad trail condition,still,many more want to go.Heng Mountain,the south Yue,most famous for the forest and the nice plant and animal habitats,also not heavily visited.Song Mountain,the middle Yue,most famous for the Buddhism temple and the traditional martial arts.Hen Mountain,the north Yue,is the highest one.It is most famous for bare stones and ancient Buddhism and Taoism temples.All five Yue are named according to their relative locations.For example,Tai Mountain is called "East Yue" as it is the easternmost one of the five.Ever since the ancient times,these five mountains are regarded highly as there is a phrase in Chinese saying " you don't want to see any mountain if you just come back from five Yue".This tells you how great the views at these mountains,and how these mountains perfectly represent the different mountain view in different geographic regions of China.五岳为中国五大名山的总称,分别是属于东、南、西、北、中的五座大山.东岳泰山以其日出的景色而著称.更值得一提的是,泰山位于孔子的故乡山东省内.西岳华山的奇险是首屈一指的,尽管没有都有报道称在华山上频频发生由于拥挤和地势险峻所造成的游客遇难,还是有很多人期望能有机会去一睹风光.南岳衡山处处是茂林修竹,还有很多动物栖息,而且游客不是很多.中岳嵩山上有多处寺院,特别是禅宗寺院少林寺的中国功夫响誉世界.北岳恒山是五岳中海拔最高的,以其悬岩峭壁而著称.另外山上还有古代寺庙道观.五岳的命名是由各自相对的位置而来的.如泰山是五岳中最东的一座,因而名为东岳.自古至今,这五座山的名望甚高,有"五岳归来不看山"之说.各座山上都能欣赏到美丽的风景,同时他们也代表了中国不同地区山群的特色和上面的景色.东岳泰山Tai Mountain 西岳华山Hua Mountain 南岳衡山Heng Mountain 北岳恒山Heng Mountain 中岳嵩山Song Mountain
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