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The title of my speech today is "do an ordinary man"
If you want to be a common man?Don't pursue fame,don't pursue riches and honour,not greed,not jealous,just carefree free,you want to life,PingPingFanFan pursue the oneself want to dream.
Cactus,everyone know he doesn't need too much water,do not need the fertile land,so ordinary in the desert.The pine tree,and you know,he doesn't need to warm breed,do not need to bright sunshine,so will the ordinary in winter,worms,and is also known,he doesn't need a sharp; instead,they don't need the abundance of food,so ordinary in the earth,we're all god's children,every life is equal,I also want to be a common man,and other creatures as feel nature,I don't need a fancy clothes,don't need noble appearance,also need not arrogant temperament.I just need to do myself,ordinary himself.However,I also don't want to completely ordinary,you know,cactus ordinary has led an extraordinary indomitable,pine tree ordinary has led an extraordinary perseverance,the earthworm is ordinary has led an extraordinary dedication.Some people think that you are not beautiful enough,not enough slim,isn't high enough,not rich,some people said he is inferior to others,may not have any.But,they just need to know a thing,you although ordinary,but there are extraordinary.So I want to create some in ordinary was extraordinary,let ordinary I to create extraordinary life,to realize his dream.
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