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‘我将要介绍的是一家手机公司,这家公司由一个总部两个分公司组成,总部位于北京,两个分公司分别在广州和武汉,这家公司用一个40人团队组成的研究中心,负责新产品开发,公司拥有3家工厂 ,共有3000名员工,生产全部由计算机控制’ 翻译需要用到一下几个词 consist of ,located,two branches are in 我肯定会选最好的作为答案!
I would like to introduce a mobile phone company, this company is composed of a headquarters and two branch offices, headquartered in Beijing, and two branch offices in Guangzhou and Wuhan, respectively, this company with a team of 40 people consisting of research centers, responsible for the newproduct development, the company has three factories, a total of 3,000 employees, production of all controlled by the computer ' 望采纳赞同 谢谢
看了 英语翻译‘我将要介绍的是一家...的网友还看了以下: