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我们的生活不能没有食物,所以食品安全很重要。请你根据以下提示,以"Food Safety"为题就以下


1. 不卫生食品对人体的危害;

2. 如何避免食用不安全食品;

3. 你对政府部门及食品生产厂家有什么建议(至少两点) 。

 One possible version: Food Safety-Nowadays  many people are worried about the food safety because there have been many food safety problems in the world. How to eat safely? Here are my suggestions.First we'd better eat at home and try not to eat outside. Second we should cook the food properly because some uncooked food is not good for us. Third it's safer to buy food with QS signs because there's always something wrong with most of the food without QS signs. And the government and the producers should pay more attention to food safety. Strict rules should be carried out by the government. If you follow these suggestions above I think we can eat more healthily.
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