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War is a continuation of policy by other means.When the French revolutionary townspeople and revolutionary peasants overthrew the monarchy at the close of the eighteenth century by revolutionary means and established a democratic republic when they made short work of their monarch,and short work of their landowners,too,in a revolutionary fashion that policy of the revolutionary class was bound to shake all the rest of autocratic,tsarist,imperial,and semi-feudal Europe to its foundations.And the inevitable continuation of this policy of the victorious revolutionary class in France was the wars in which all the monarchist nations of Europe,forming their famous coalition,lined up against revolutionary France in a counter-revolutionary war.Just as within the country the revolutionary people of France had then,for the first time,displayed revolutionary energy on a scale it had never shown for centuries,so in the war at the close of the eighteenth century it revealed a similar gigantic revolutionary creativeness when it remodelled its whole system of strategy,broke with all the old rules and traditions of warfare,replaced the old troops with a new revolutionary people’s army,and created new methods of warfare.This example,to my mind,is noteworthy in that it clearly demonstrates to us things which the bourgeois journalists are now always forgetting when they pander to the philistine prejudices and ignorance of the backward masses who do not understand this intimate economic and historical connection between every kind of war and the preceding policy of every country,every class that ruled before the war and achieved its ends by so-called “peaceful” means.So-called,because the brute force required to ensure “peaceful” rule in the colonies,for example,can hardly be called peaceful.
-摘自War and Revolution,by Vladimir Lenin,(A LECTURE DELIVERED MAY 14 (27),1917)
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