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January 13 2009
It was the first day of our winter holiday.
It was the first day of our winter holiday.All of us were very happy.Why?Because we have one months to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.My god!We have been very tired after hard studying.In winter holidays,I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself.Last but not the least,I will have a good rest.
January 14 2007
the winter vacation
Now it is the winter vacation I like it very much Cause of the winter vacation can play snow make the snoe man and the speing festival are my favourite things
And I made a winter vacation plan
I plan to finish my homework before the spring festival
And then I plan to have a nice sleep
The last thing is play Everybody wants to play at spring festival But the have too much homework So it makes them Unhappy But I can play to my heart's content
I hope I can spend a good holiday
January 28 2007
Yesterday we played happily,but there were only ten people.I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all.I heard some my friends had gone abroad.They went abroad to study.Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future.I think next year we won’t make a party.Next year is a very important year.We all will prepare for the college entrance examination.It is the most important for us now.
January 29 2007
I was bored.So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang.I told my father my decision.To my surprise,my father agreed.My father thought I always at home was bad.He thought I should go out to see our country clearly.How beautiful our country is!My father drove me a travel service.I filled out an application form.After that,the agency would finish every things.At last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures.
January 30 2007
The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken.When you open the mobile telephone,the screen is always white with light.You can’t see from the screen.And my father is a businessman.He needed a new one.So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop.There are many new kinds of mobile telephones.At first,my father chose a Sumsung one.But all the telephones have sold out.Finally,my father chose a Motorola one.
January 31 2007
The food in Shanghai disagree me.I think the food in Beijing is the most delicious.Seafood in Beijing is very fresh.Prawns in restaurant are all alive.And there are many food that you can’t see in other cities.It is very cheap that you eat seafood in Beijing.The less money you pay,the more enjoyable you are.Maybe my stomach is ill.Whatever food I eat,I am still thin.And I am too thin,I want to be a litter fatter.So I must eat more.
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