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  2. 词数150 左右。
  3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。

As is described in the picture, a person was persuaded into a smalll cage, who was told he would be cured of his fear of snakes, heights, small spaces and commitment in just six hours in that way. Additionally, the cage, with some snakes inside, was high up on four columns.
According to my understanding, the picture describes a person with some mental disability, as a result of which, he prefers to stay in large spaces with other’s company. However, the doctor is trying all his out to help the person, supposing that it’s more difficult for such patients to recover if they are only treated by means of pleasing them. Instead of offering him medicine, the doctor has his unique way of treating this patient, pushing him to face his problems directly.
From my perspective, life is filled with ups and downs. It goes beyond doubt that under no circumstances should we avoid challenges or responsibility. Quite the contray, we are supposed to face them with courage and wisdom.

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