早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1黄夹克衫和蓝夹克衫一样贵.(as...as...)2如果你利用朋友的话,他们就会离你而去的.(take advantage of)3他有可能将不再住在这儿了.(chances are that,no longer)4他从不满足于自己的成功,总是喜欢迎接新的挑战.(be contnet with,meet a challenge)5她因考试不及格而感到沮丧(in despair)6别问他有关那次旅行的事情,你的问题或许会使他觉得不自在.(feel uneasy with)7他的名声是建立在他的表演而不是外表的基础之上.(instead of)8他们说他们迟到是因为司机在雾中几乎看不清路.(barely)9别把别人牵扯进你的麻烦中去.(involve)10要记住对金钱的追求很少会给人带来幸福.(for good) 请用括号内的词组翻译
1 The yellow jacket is as experience as the blue one.2 If you take advantage of your friend,they will leave you.3 There chances are that he will stay no longer.4 He is never content with his achievements and always ready to meet a challenge.5 She is in despair of fail in her exam.6 Don"t ask him anything about his journey which will make he feel uneasy with.7 His reputation is built above his perfotment instead of appearation.8 They say that ,the driver barely see the road so that they late for job.9 Don"t involve others into your trouble.10 Remmber that purches of money barely bring about happiness to people.