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很久以前,宙斯 Zeus
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A long time ago,Zeus Zeus
With Hera Hera
Marriage,all of the immortal God only gave them gifts.The earth goddess Gaea Asia is no exception,from the west coast brings a luxuriant foliage of the trees full of golden apple tree node.God night and was assigned to guard the Holy tree planted garden.Guards were also helping them to Radon,which is the father of a hundred odd ear-fu angicos Phorcys) and daughter of the earth born Ceto Ceto 100 dragon,which never sleep.Around it,the way the Federation issued a deafening sound,because its mouth issued 100 100 kinds of different voices.In accordance with Eurystheus Eurystheus order Heracles Heracles there must be extracted from the dragon赫斯珀Rhodes in the Golden Apple.
Heracles set foot on the long and dangerous journey.He walked aimlessly,is where to go depends entirely on luck and opportunity,because he did not know where Rhodes赫斯珀live in the end.
Later,he also through Libya and Egypt.
Heracles Heracles to move forward,the way they encounter many dangerous things.He released in the Caucasus mountains of the Prometheus Bound Prometheus,and this was followed by the liberation of the Titan Prometheus,as shown in the direction of God,come to Atlas Atlas) where the sky bear.赫斯珀in the vicinity of the guard in Rhodes Park St.Golden Apple.Prometheus recommended not to personally pick Hercules Golden Apple,it is best to send Atlas to complete the task.
Hercules I would like to also,and he promised to leave in the Atlas period to bear the sky.Atlas carrying the burden of the sky to the Hercules,and then walked a pilgrimage Park.The idea of luring the dragon he fell asleep,and brandished a knife and killed it,and deceive the fairies who guard,pick three golden apple,happy to return to the front of Hercules.
"But," he said of Hercules,"my shoulder enough to try to lift the taste of days,it is no easy burden,I do not want to carry the." Then he threw the golden apple in Heraclius Everest on the lawn in front of the foot,carrying his heavy standing there the sky.Hercules came up with a ploy to shake off the burden on the shoulders."Hey,I want to put a pad on his head," he said of the Atlas,"otherwise,bear the burden of almost the cracks of my head."
Atlas Atlas think this is a reasonable request,it agreed to carry on his behalf again later.He took the burden,if he wants to succeed him,such as Hercules,that do not know how long to wait,because Hercules has already picked up the golden apple from the grass and quickly walked away.
Heracles Heracles the golden apple to the king Eurystheus Eurystheus.
Heracles in Greek mythology,Hercules is the greatest hero.