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译文 江淹 《梁传》
江淹,字文通,济阳考城人也。少孤贫好学。起家南徐州从事,转奉朝请。 宋建平王景素好士,淹随景素在南兖州。广陵令郭彦文得罪,辞连淹,系州狱。淹狱中上书,景素览书,即日出之。寻举南徐州秀才,对策上第,转巴陵王国左常侍。 升明初,齐帝辅政,闻其才,召为尚书驾部郎、骠骑参军事。是时军书表记,皆使淹具草。少帝初,以本官兼御史中丞。 时明帝作相,因谓淹曰:“君昔在尚书中,非公事不妄行,在官宽猛能折衷;今为南司,足以震肃百僚。”淹答曰:“今日之事,可谓当官而行,更恐才劣志薄,不足以仰称明旨耳。”于是弹中书令谢朏,司徒左长史王缋、护军长史庾弘远,并以久疾不预山陵公事;又奏前益州刺史刘悛、梁州刺史阴智伯,并赃货巨万,辄收付廷尉治罪。临海太守沈昭略、永嘉太守庾昙隆,及诸郡二千石并大县官长,多被劾治,内外肃然。明帝谓淹曰:“宋世以来,不复有严明中丞,君今日可谓近世独步。”
Jiang Yan, word Wen Tong, Chi-yang kaw city people. Less isolated poor studious. Xuzhou in the South started to turn toward Please Bong. SONG Jian-Ping Wang Jingsu Good disabilities, submerge in the South with the景素Yanzhou. Guangling order Guo Yanwen offending speech even flooded the state prison system. Submerged in prison petition,景素table book, that is, the rising sun. Find scholar cite south of Xuzhou, the first response, turn left Attendants Baling kingdom. L in the early Ming, Qi Di colonial, Wen Qi-cai, the response for the Book of riding the Ministry of Lang, Puma riding a reference military. When the book is a token army, are so flooded with grass. Shao Di Chu, to the Officer and Imperial Shi Zhongcheng. When Emperor Ming Zuo-xiang, because that submerge said: "In the Book of Xi-jun, the non-business non-Wang Xing, Meng could compromise the Crown width; today the South Division, enough to shock Su Bai Liao." Flooded answer was: "Jinrizhishi can be described as an officer and the line, but also fear of bad chi was thin enough to Yang Zhi-ming, said the ear. "So the bomb Zhongshu Ling Xie crescent, Stuart left Eliot Wang multicolored, Hujun Eliot Yu Philip away, and to a long illness does not pre-hills official; Youzou ago Zhouci Shi Liu Yi Quan, Liang Zhou Cishi Yin Zhi Bo, and handling stolen goods and goods giant 10000, Noir collection and payment Tingwei Code. Shen Zhao Linhai Prefecture slightly, Yongjia Prefecture Yu Tan Long, and Zhu Jun Erqian Dan and large magistrate long, were by Hach governance, both inside and outside with distinction. Emperor Ming that submerge said: "SONG Since there is no longer strict Zhong Cheng, Jun unmatched today can be described as modern times." Emperor Ming throne, in order to Juji Linhai King Eliot. Nagamoto, the CUI Hui-Ju-Bing Jing Wai Beijing, Dress for cast members noted the thorns are not to submerge Cheng Ji. And the thing flat, the Bank serve his vision.
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