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有没有哪位小伙伴帮帮忙 帮忙写一篇关于肥胖的考研英语作文?我2014年一月份考研,想准备一篇关于肥胖话题的英语作文,谢谢!
There is no question that there is obesity problem in countries all over the world. According to Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.9 per cent ofthe adults in our country are obese and over one third of our population isoverweight. So how to control his/her weight is a big concern of everyone.
First of all, obesity is strongly linked to sugar intake. Sugar adds calories to everything you eat. Therefore, you need to either eat a lot less or exercise more to account for the added sugar calories.
Secondly,fast food restaurants are scattered all around the country, and you know for sure that fast food is remarkably high in calories and fat. So reducing the times that you take fast food as dinner is a wise choice.
Thirdly, computer and gaming are good contributors to obesity, but their effects are less pronounced. It is a good idea to limit computer, gaming, and television time to less than two hours every day.
In fact, holding a good habit of diet and doing more workout are proven to be effective in warding off the fat that comes close to you. So be wise, be fit.
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