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When the world was young,ten suns together appeared in the sky.These ten suns thought it would be funny for them to travel across the sky together.So,when dawn came,ten suns started their journey across the sky together.But,the people and everything else on earth started to suffer.The heat from ten suns burned the ground.The forest went on fire.Many animals were burned to deth.Pwople were struggling in the lake of fire.Then,there was a handsome young hero name Houyi.He was a very good archer.His archery skill was perfect.When he saw people lived in suffering,he decided to shoot off the redundant nine suns and help people to get out of the suffering.He climbed over some big mountains and some rivers and came to the place where the suns appeared.He used his arrow and shoot off the the redundant nine suns.The ground was darkened and people's lives came back to normal.
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