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英语作文 住在城市___疯狂的念头 为题
要求:越来越多的人选择远离城市 住城市的诸多不便 不少于一百字 用词用句尽量简单好背
附原文 也可以 .
Tired of the city life ,some city-dwellers opt for city suburbs as their residence.they are flocking there to avoid people--in the city ,wherever you look ,it's people ,people ,people.
It's not strange for then complain about the living conditions in the city .It takes ages for a bus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill .The subways chich leave or arrive every few minutes are packed:an endless procession of human sardine tins.All the simple,good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a prenium.Tall buildings blot out the sun.The flow of traffic goes on continuously and the noise never stops.
Decades of years ago,people were crazy about crowding into the city.Now more and more people belive that only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city.
Living in the city-A crazy thought
There are more and more people in the city now ,and the city has become more and more crowded.Wherever you go,you'll see people,people,people.Some city-dwellers(或Some people in the city) have to choose the suburbs as their residence.
It's not strange for them to complain about the living conditions in the city.Taking a bus or subway in the rush hours is like a fierce fight in the crowd,and everyone loses his gent in order to get a stand room in the vehicle.It's a grand and specific scence in the city.As for the traffic on the road,it can't be worse.The road has virtually become a tin and the car couldn't move at all.
In other respects,like seeing a doctor even for a slight disease,such as a fever or a cold,it 'll take you hours to register(挂号) in the hospital.Let alone the serious diseases,you may wait a couple of days before you get the appointment with the doctor.
Education for the young children is one of the sharpest problems in the city too.Finding a kindergarten for their babies is so hard,because of the scarcity of the rooms and resources for more children in the kindergartens,that some parents have to queue up days before to gain the admission to the kindergarten.
There are some other problems in the city ,like the environmental pollutions,especially in the industry cities.And the continuous noises seem to never stop which make the people feel dizzy or upset.
Living in the city is a dream decades ago for the people living in the country or the suburbs,but it now seems that it will become a nightmare if the problems above would not be settled or at least relieved.It's a long-term existing problem and at present it's a crazy thought to live in the large modern city.
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