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为促进全民阅读,某校对全体学生的课外阅读情况 做了 í G卷i查。请根据下列调查数据和相关文字提 示以“Let's Read More!”为题,用英语'与一篇短文,说明课外阅读的现状和意义,并就中学生如何更好地开展 课外阅读活动提出你的建议。



1. 词数90左右,短文的开头已给出,不计人总词数;

2. 文中不得提及有关个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人


Lefs Read More!

To go with the Civil Reading our school has done a

survey and found that


         Let's Read More!

       To go with the Civil Reading our school has done a survey and found that 56% of the students spend less than one hour reading after class each day while 33% read for 1 to 2 hours and only 11% read for more than 3 hours.

      This is not satisfying. As we all know reading makes a full man. Reading not only increases our knowledge improves our

ability to solve problems but also helps us form a good habit and makes our life colourful.

    As students it s time for us to read more. Let's start reading clubs set classroom bookshelves and organize reading competitions so that we can do better in our study.