早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


我代表全班同学谢谢老师,并祝老师教师节快乐(on behalf of)
毫无疑问经过大家的努力,我们学校的环境很快会得到改善(there is no doubt that)
人们反对在学校附近建购物中心(be opposed to)
我也同意Dr.Foster的看法,认为全球变暖会给我们带来灾难(agree with)
当规定时间到时,我们差不多解决这个问题了(run out)

On behalf of all of my classmates, I extend my sinsere thanks to our teachers and wish them happy teacher's day!
There is no doubt that the environment of our school will soon be improved.
It is opposed to build shopping mall near school.
I also agree to Dr. Foster's opinion that global warming will do harm to us.
We have almost finished the problem when time's up.