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Boat-fruited sterculia seed is the dried ripe seed of the deciduous arbor Sterculia scaphigera Wall.,or Sterculia lychnophora Hance,of the family Sterculiaceae.It is mainly produced in such countries as Thailand,Cambodia,Malaysia,Indonesia,Vietnam,India,China,etc.
The seed is tapering toward each end,2-3 cm long,1-1.5 cm in diameter.Apex obtuse-rounded,base somewhat acute and oblique,bearing a pale and rounded hilum.Eternally brown or dark brown,it is somewhat lustrous,with irregular wrinkles.The seed swells to spongy-like when treated with water.
The seeds are harvested when the fruit ripens and cracks in April to June.The seeds are dried in the sun for use.
Sweet in flavor,cold in nature,it is related to the lung and large intestine channels.
Clears heat from the lungs to resolve phlegm,relieves sore throat to restore the voice and relaxes the bowels to relieve constipation.
1.Treats hoarseness of voice,sore throat,coughing,etc.,due to lung-heat:
As boat-fruited sterculia seed is sweet in taste,cold in nature and light in property,this herb can ventilate lung-qi,resolve phlegm,relieve sore-throat and restore the voice.
It is often soaked alone for oral administration and can also be used together with balloon flower root (Radix Platycodi) and licorice.
2.Treats constipation due to dryness-heat and headache with conjunctival congestion:
Boat-fruited sterculia seed can relax the bowels to relieve constipation and clear away and purge fire and heat.
This herb is often soaked alone for oral administration and it can also be used in combination with heat-clearing and purgative herbs in order to strengthen curative effects.
Dosage and Administration:
3-5 pieces.
Soak in boiled water or decoct for oral administration.
Cautions on Use:
Reference Materials:
Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica :"Cellulitis due to disturbance of the interior by phlegm-heat; the patient can leave his sickbed as soon as he takes this herb.All types of febrile diseases,internal injuries caused by overstrain,hematemesis (vomiting blood),epistaxis (nosebleed),hemafecia,epidemic acute conjunctivitis,toothache due to pathogenic wind-fire,dry coughing without phlegm,hectic and internal fever,syndromes of fire in the chest,spleen and stomach and abdomen and various types of boils."
"Clearing away toxic substances and relieving summer-heat."
Original Meanings of Materia Medica :"Restoring the voice to relieve aphasia (loss of the ability to speak) and arresting coughing to eliminate phlegm for resuscitation."
Toxic or Side Effects:
Modern Researches:
Boat-fruited sterculia seed contains sterculin,bassorin and some astringent substances.
Sterculin can contract the smooth muscles of the blood vessels,improve any inflammation of the mucosa and alleviate spasmodic pain.The water infusion of this herb can promote the peristalsis of the intestines.This herb has a laxative effect and its kernels are most powerful in this respect.
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