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It's July and I'm in my summer vacation in NJ now.How are you?
My vacation lasts about 2 months till 27th,August and besides getting an intership,I also would like to take some Germany classes which could last for a month.Therefore I would appreciate it if you can tell me how is the case going and the general time of the intership so I can arrange my time.
However,if my application is rejected or there doesn't seem to be a chance this time,It'll be OK,as the most important thing to me is learning more wherever I am.I will try to find myself a part-time job in NJ.
By the way,take care of yourself during the hot summer.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Have a nice day.
how are you!
it's July,and i'm having my summer holiday in NJ now.our holiday lasts about 2 months till 27th,August.as i said last time that i want to get an intership opportunity,therefore,i appreciate it that you can tell me how is it going right now?you know,i also want to take some Germany classes,maybe a month,so it is easy for me to arrange my time.However,if my application is rejected or there doesn't seem to be a chance for me this time,It'll be OK,as the most important thing to me is learning more wherever I am.I will try to find myself a part-time job in NJ.thank you very much.
By the way,take care of yourself during the hot summer.
looking forward to hearing from you!
have a nice day!
(你写得蛮好的,我给你稍稍改了下,希望可以帮到你o(∩_∩)o )
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