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Dear Zhang Wei,
I am very gald to hear from you.I'm sorry for hearing you that you can't go to the meeting reason for much homework to do.But I want you to attend this meeting.
At this meeting,Stephen Willian Hawking also will attend.He is quite famous scientist.I know science is your favorite.You can learn new things of science at abroad.Your English is also very well.You can communicate with Haking face to face.You should seize the chance,and you can prepare for studying in English after you graduate from high school.It's a important experience for you.
Therefore,I sincerely hope you can seize the chance.I am looking forward to your early reply.
Dear Zhang Wei,
I am very gald to hear from you.I'm sorry to hear that you can't go to the meeting,because you have too much homework to do.But I suggest you should attend this meeting.
Stephen Willian Hawking will also attend the meeting and you may meet himself .He is a quite famous scientist.I know science is your favorite.You can learn new things of science at abroad.Your English is also very well.You can communicate with Haking face to face.You should seize the chance,and you can prepare for studying English well after you graduate from high school.It's an important experience for you.
Therefore,I sincerely hope you can seize the chance.I am looking forward to your reply soon.
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