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I saw thee weep 《我见过你哭》 (拜伦)
I saw thee weep I saw thee’ weep the big br'ight tear Came o'er that eve of blue And then me thought it did appear A violet dropping dew I saw thee' smile the sapphire's blaze Beside thee' ceased to shine It could not match the living rays That filld'that glance of thine As clouds from yonder sun receive A deep and mellow dye Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens o'er the heart 中文意思
更方便看的 I saw thee’ weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw thee' smile 我见过你笑 the sapphire's blaze 连蓝宝石的光芒 Beside thee' ceased to shine 也因你而失色 It could not match the living rays 它怎能比得上在你凝视的眼神中 That filld'that glance of thine 闪现的灵活光彩 As clouds from yonder sun receive 就如同夕阳为远方的云朵 A deep and mellow dye 染上绚烂的色彩 Which scarce the shade of coming eve 缓缓而来的暮色也不能 Can banish from the sky 将霞光逐出天外 Those smiles unto the moodiest mind 你的笑容让沉闷的心灵 Their own pure joy impart 分享纯真的欢乐 Their sunshine leaves a glow behind 这阳光留下了一道光芒 三生石上旧精魂,赏月吟风莫要论 That lightens o'er the heart 照亮了心灵上空
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