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Shandong cuisine
Shandon cuisine are lightly flavoured and rich but not greasy.special care is taken to make them fragrant.crisp and tender.The famedconsome with edible bird's nest is usually the first main course served at a banquet.the famous sweet-sour Yellow river carp,crisp on the outside and tender inside,is well like for its special flavour.
Lu Choi
鲁菜发端于春秋战国时的齐国和鲁国(今山东省),形成于秦汉.Lu and the originator of Lu Qi in the Warring States (today Shandong Province),which was formed in the Qin and Han dynasties.宋代后,鲁菜就成为"北食"的代表.Song,served on the "North" status of the representative.
鲁菜是我国覆盖面最广的地方风味菜系,遍及京津塘及东北三省.China is the most extensive coverage offered local flavor branches and Jingjintang and throughout the three provinces in Northeast China.
非常特色:山东省内地理差异大,因而形成了沿海的胶东菜(以海鲜为主)和内陆的济南菜以及自成体系的孔府菜.Very different geographical characteristics :Shandong Province,This forms the coast of Shandong dishes (seafood) dishes and the interior of the Jinan and the Confucian Temple systems vegetables.
鲁菜讲究调味纯正,口味偏于咸鲜,具有鲜、嫩、香、脆的特色.Condiment served about pure,delicious taste and merged with fresh,tender,fragrant crisp characteristics.十分讲究清汤和奶汤的调制,清汤色清而鲜,奶汤色白而醇.Naitang stock and paid great attention to the modulation,color - broth,fresh white and color Naitang alcohol.
露点绝活给你瞧:鲁菜常用的烹调技法有30种以上,尤以爆、扒技法独特而专长.Dew Point :Do you learned to have served more than 30 common cooking techniques,especially explosives,and to seize the unique expertise of techniques.
爆法讲究急火快炒;扒技法为鲁菜独创,原料腌渍粘粉,油煎黄两面,慢火尽收汁;扒法成品整齐成型,味浓质烂,汁紧稠浓.Detonated about emergency fire quickly stir-fry; Prepared to pre-empt the innovative techniques,materials pickled sticky powder-oil yellow coin Seal collected juice; gone to law finished neat shape,Black In his quality,concentrated juice up thick.
糖醋黄河鲤鱼Sweet and sour carp Yellow River
糖醋黄河鲤鱼Sweet and sour carp Yellow River
原料:鲤鱼、白糖、醋Raw materials :carp,white sugar,vinegar
特点:糊要挂匀、文火Features :Paste linked to absorb,slow fire
想吃吗?Eat?上那里吃On where to eat
丰泽园------北京珠市口西大街Zhuhai City West Main Street,I Fengzeyuan ------
同和居------北京西四West,and with four C ------
东兴楼------北京东直门大街Beijing Dongzhimen Avenue Dongxing floor ------
登瀛楼------天津东兴大街NIAN Dongxing Tianjin Building ------ Main Street
聚丰德------山东济南------ German Ju-Feng Jinan,Shandong
孔膳堂------山东济南Shandong Jinan hole Refectory ------