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Each employee should keep integrity,devotion to the duty.Strictly prohibit using its position to seek illegitimate benefit to damage the interest of the Company.If any employee has any of the following action,he /she will be dismissed once verify the truth,in case of serious result,he /she will be transferred to judicial authority in accordance with applicable law:
Each employee should keep integrity and be devoted to the duty.It's strictly prohibited to seek illegitimate benefit abusing one's authority,which damages the interest of the company.Employee taking any of the following actions will be dismissed once that's verified to be true.if a crime is constituted,the person concerned will be transferred to the judicial organ in accordance with law.
看了 英语翻译企业员工要廉洁奉公,...的网友还看了以下:

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违反治安管理行为的客观要件包括危害行为、危害结果以及实施危害行为的时间、地点、方法、对象等,其  2020-05-18 …

下列属于违反治安管理行为的客观要件的是( )。A.危害行为B.危害结果C.违反治安管理行为所侵害的社  2020-05-19 …

下列属于违反治安管理行为的客观要件的是( )A.危害行为B.危害结果C.违反治安管理行为所侵害的社  2020-05-19 …

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()是我国刑法中犯罪客体方面首要的因素,在犯罪构成中居于核心地位A.危害行为B.危害结果C.危害行为  2020-11-06 …

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阅读材料,回答问题。自2015年1月1日起实施的《关于依法处理监护人侵害未成年人权益行为若干问题的意  2020-12-15 …

基础知识①2015年1月1日起实施的《关于依法处理监护人侵害未成年人权益行为若干问题的意见》规定,有  2020-12-15 …