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1、Only one layer is allowed when using automotive as vehicle,meanwhile no other goods are allowed to put onto the layer.
2、Require sea-shipment company to strictly check to avoid any damaged packings being transported to clients.
3、The damaged package with holes and distorted pallet caused by pressure are caused during the automotive transportation.Since there exist some unsteadiness during the transportation,when the 1.5-ton-packed-products were loaded for 2 layers with height 1.2M,the lower layer would be easy to be pressed distorted while the upper layer to be slanted distorted,even damaging the adjacent packing and distorting the pallet.
3、The pallet damage is caused by loading and unloading of port.The sending of damaged packing to client is responsible by transportation company.
4、In Switzerland only one layer of product with weight of 1.5T can be loaded for automotive transportation,which can effectively avoid products friction with one another.
5、Sea transportation company's strict operation can effectively avoid damaged packed products sending to client.
6、The whole process of product's transportation should be strictly by standard,the automotive company's and port company's responsibilities should be clear and the quality assurance sensibility should be strengthened to ensure all products sent to clients matched with requirements.
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