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汉译英 准确的,我用在线翻译好像不对
摘要:水和空气一样,是人类赖以生存的必要因素.水在人类生活和生产中的作用是不言而喻的.有人把水称作“工业的血液、生命的乳浆”.没有足够的水,工农业生产无法进行;没有足够的清洁的淡水,人类社会将无法生存下去.水又是构成生物体的一个最基本的要素,是生命发生、发育和繁衍的源泉.随着现代科学技术的发展,人类不断向太空发射宇宙探测器,其主要目的是揭开外星人是否存在之谜.宇宙探测器的首要任务是确定其它星球上是否存在水,这也从侧面说明,没有水的星球,不可能存在生物. 关键词:水资源 水环境污染 谢谢
Abstract: Water, likes air, is the necessary for human survival. The role of water is self-evident in human life and production. Some people regard water as " The blood of industry, the whey of life". If we do not have enough water, the agriculture and production is impossible; if we do not have enough clean freshwater, human society will be unable to survive. Water also is a basic factor of organism, and the source of the life appearance, growth and reproduction. As the development of modern science and technology, mankind never stop to launch space probes, its main purpose is to reveal the mystery of the existence of aliens. The primary task of the probe is to determine whether there is water on other planets. On the other side, there is no water in the planet, there is no life. Key word: water resource, the pollution of water environment Supplyment: This paper introduced the pollution degree of rivers, lakes and near the offshore field in China, and analysed the trend of the water environment pollution in China. Based on these basics, we will discuss the potential impact of water pollution on human healthy and safety. Key word: water environment, water pollution, health hazard Translated by myself
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