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各位网友晚上好!有哪位高人能将我括号里的文字帮我翻译成英文,谢谢!(想你的夜:老婆是瓜,情人是花,累了吃瓜,闲了赏花,工资种瓜,奖金养花,吃瓜别想花,陪花勿念瓜,没花哪有瓜,瓜也曾是花,既然守着瓜,何必再惹花.你想赏别人的花,别人想吃你的瓜.别只顾赏别人的花!丢了家里的瓜!呵呵! )
The night miss you:the wife is melon and the lover is the flower,tired to melon and free to flowers,wage for meon and bonus for flowers.When eating fruit don`t want flowers,with flowers do not miss melon,no flowers no melon,melon also once was flowers.As now you have the melon,why provoke flower?You want to pluck someone`s flowers,and others want to eat your melon.Don't just admire others flowers and lost your melon!Ha-ha.
看了 各位网友晚上好!有哪位高人能...的网友还看了以下: