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Friendships are the gift to the man kind.The relation which we get in this world are blood related.But the only relationships which doesnot related to blood is friendship.Friendship has many forms and shapes.It is like water.If we pour the water into a jug it takes the shape of jug.if you pour the same water into a bowl it takes the shape o bowl.Sameway friendships will take a different shapes and sizes according to our heart.Friendship gives pleasure to human beings.Where there is friendship then there will not be any sorrow.When you see a child laughing you will forget your sorrows for a second,sameway when you are with a friend you forget your sorrows.
The world is rotating smoothly because of the friendly hearts in the world.it crosses boundries and share a mutual bonding of love.Friendships will take care of this entire world from problems.If we are friends then our countries will,when our countries are friends then there is not need of weapons.So take weapon named friendship and love and conqure the world with love.
Friends comes with friendships,They are the channel of love and affection.Friends are like child's heart which doesn't know wrong thinkings.When there is a friend with us we feel secure,happy,huge support,and comfortable which you can't get from others.
So Lets get some real friends in this world,and "Let's Be Friends".
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