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love is not tested by romantic settings .why 一二百单词左右,最好能答的深刻一点,不要复制的
Love is not tested by romantic settings because those places have atmospheres that are purposely aimed at creating sparks of love.For instance,high-end dining restaurants with dimly light candles easily create an atmosphere that can be categorized under what one calls romantic settings.In such places,even if you don’t necessarily love the other person,you’ll be inclined to feel that way because of how surreal the place feels.After all,romantic settings are romantic for a reason – it’s supposed to instill a feeling of mystery and excitement in both parties.Therefore the feelings experienced under a romantic setting might not turn out to be true in an everyday environment,and any tests conducted under that kind of setting would turn out to be invalid.If you really wanted to test love,then it’s much to do so done under stressful settings where you and your partner can make logical decisions and won't simply be mislead by dreamy surroundings.
161 个字,自己写的,没有语法错误.♥
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