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Tang Shibi,the word zanchen,Jiangsu Jiangdu people,governor Sui Zusun.Qianlong,students are taught to Yin South Heshan Xu tong.Successive Su Hong,copper Pei,Li River,river zhi.In order to test the performance of river,Zhuo Hubei Yunyang prefect,Mu worry to officer.In forty-seven years,after mourning,will the river never Qinglong Gang,often built record on big bachelor,Agui Du Zhi,Bi Xi River to paternity thing to work,regulate.Laurel Fang and total River on river change strategy,decided to Shi Bi,Shi Bi said:"the whole river bet,non earth station can when to restore the right way; inverse,difficult to.But in the South Bank of the upstream open approach is not a hundred miles away,and for the rapids,the full potential of easy switch.Wait,this policy also." To open the Lanyang approach is that,to the Shangqiu River to Shi Bi reformed,the total thing.A,be imperial commendation.
Promote open to the tao.The new approach embankment into the early,slip force very risk,complex for Yi Feng sixteen Fort open approach.The summer flood water to fruit,divided into two parties:a new approach by a South Dakota,by Yi Feng of old city by approach.Also in Maojiazhai built by Yue Di,Sui sin seven fort built dam,water is smooth,without a break.Fifty-three years,Zhang Wei Road Huai department.Measurement of river regime will have changed,please in copper tile car dyke after built by supporting embankment,total river blue tin article to reason Hing Industry hard,but can be fixedly please.The following summer,copper bricklayer in collapse,potential at.The total River Li in Hanxin to optic River,said:"what can you do?" Shi Bi said:"until the collapse of many,will block.Today when submerged breakwater under the new building dike mouth support dug several Zhangs,make water to sneak in.In will silt,silt levee embankment is supported in one.The river direct injection power is killed,Di is insurable." From the,di insurance level.Tin article said:"the king of the game,before pre built supporting bar."
Shi Bi,copper Pei,also used the warping Ping Insurance Law; and in the night the rainbow,the summer home of the road yellow,deliver the force,in the river has,water will not Di,the Yellow River water dragon effect method,the silt embankment safety and sparse; in Xuzhou outside the city built by masonry,rocky stone mouth increase rotten stone,but with no city.Wei River is weak,Cao ship is adverse,digging with Ji Wei Qin to help guide.The strain any more of this kind of.Try on the river Tao said:"the river for sediment laden,treatment should be excited to anger and straight to the Chang of their potential,to kill the Wei Qu.No waste workers can not be forced,no fight soil but can't let.Keep this side is considered the other shore,treatment is considered upstream downstream." World thought of saying.Search Shandong fill the canal road,adjustable Yan Yi Cao Jidao.With oversight,degradation.And begging for disease to.
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